At this time, some wily demon kings and those dragon kings and demons didn’t really stop before, but cast some spells to stop themselves from hanging far behind.
"Little seek death!"
Seeing Gao Cai’s shot, the momentum of the thousand-faced fox king soared and he flew from a distance with a pike in his hand and stabbed Gao Cai behind him.
"Bamboo will hide in my magic weapon for a while, and I’ll take care of this demon king first."
See thousands of fox king came to Gao Cai reached out and issued a green jade vase to the bamboo and said gently that he was going to kill the fox king.
"Hee hee nu house is not your little lover, but this fox body thing has something to do with your little lover. Don’t let him go!"
At this time, the bamboo suddenly smiled and couldn’t say how charming it was, which made Gao Cai look surprised and almost suppressed it.
However, after this fake bamboo was finished, it turned into a streamer and flew into the green jade vase.
At this time, the talented can’t share him, and the wild halberd takes it and kills it towards the fox king.
Chapter two hundred Heart month fox
Looking at the killing of the thousand-faced fox king Gao Cai, he looked coldly. The cold light in his eyes suddenly showed that the halberd in his hand waved halberd light and cut it out into a tidal wave. He went to bang and hit the pike in the hand of the fox king.
After the halberd light hit, the talent grew up, and the halberd split with a thud from the force of heaven, and when it hit the fox king pike, it shook the fox king’s hand and cracked it.
This fox king is just a flying fairy realm, and everything is changing, and the fox family is not good at fighting. Being attacked by Gao Cai in a row, he suddenly stumbled and retreated.
Gao Cai’s physical strength has not been greatly improved since he cultivated to the Yuan God. Nowadays, it is more handy to fight, and he has a sense of comfort when he enters the mountain and Lin Long enters the sea.
Every halberd tries its best to make appall’s thousand-faced fox king hit a horrible mountain every time, but Gao Cai is playing more and more conveniently, and he will also take this opportunity to give full play to his physical strength.
Beating the fox king with a thousand faces gradually failed to strike back. My eyes were full of horror, and I watched the demon king with terror. I was so excited and talented that I was afraid.
At this time, the king of the thousand-faced fox suddenly showed a huge fox tail sweeping towards Gao Cai, and when it swept away, the fluffy tail was like a needle.
Looking at these blasters, the fine hairs on the fox’s tail are high, and then coldly looking at the black gas emitted by the god clock on the top of the head, quickly sweeping away and ingesting these fine hairs into the god clock.
Then Gao Cai Euphorbia swept away and a fox king’s big tail was instantly cut and killed
After the fox’s tail was cut off, the thousand-faced fox king gave a miserable cold hum. The pike in his hand oscillated and turned several shots into shadows and suddenly projected them to Gao Cai to borrow the fuselage and fly back.
Then the body shook again, and a tail came out and shook quickly. It was only in the middle and high school that I suddenly found myself unconsciously entering a magic array.
In this magic array, several huge fox spirits are rickling and pouncing on themselves, making Gao Cai have to dodge quickly, but his heart is dignified. I didn’t expect that the name of the thousand-faced fox king was not white, and there was such an avatar that people unconsciously fell into a dreamland. If ordinary people were afraid of it, it would be dangerous.
However, for myself, it’s a little tricky. In the face of this dreamland, high talents don’t make Rashomon come to suppress and crack the Yuan God.
Suddenly, a huge flame giant river composed of several long rivers of flames oscillated and rolled up.
This huge river of flames is constantly extending and rolling, and when the momentum limit is revealed, it will smash this dreamland and directly extend to the whole Fox Mountain, and this piece will be shrouded in flames.
In the face of this dreamland, the talented person broke the dreamland and showed the strength and power of terror, which immediately deterred all the lich kings.
Some demons who were still waiting to see fled in all directions, and were prepared to secretly shoot the Dragon King and the Ghost King. After the animals and birds dispersed, the Yuan God appeared and continued to expand. The flames rolled and flipped like a river, and the stunned Fox King was involved in the Yuan God to suppress it.
Repressing this fox queen Gao Cai hey ran a smile and took back the wild halberd in the hands of Yuan God. When it was cut at Fanghu Mountain, it roared, and the whole mountain roared and was split in two and collapsed rapidly.
After finishing these, Gao Cai’s figure flew away from this place in a longitudinal direction, but in the middle of the flight, Gao Cai’s heart became more and more strange. What did he save? What did he want to play the role of bamboo? And it seems that the last tone seems that bamboo is also known.
After flying to a quiet place in doubt, Gao Cai really went into the sea pearl and secretly ordered Poseidon to release the fake bamboo in the green jade bottle with a shock in his hand.
"Are you human?"
Looking at what’s in front of you, raise your hand and be coquettish, and the stunning female Gao Cai will drink a cold drink to herself. The high talent in this pure Yang magic weapon is not afraid of what tricks people brush in front of him.
"Hee hee little husband is angry, knowing who I am and what I am doing, I am better than your little lover, so I will accompany you by the nu house."
When I heard Gao Cai Hewen, the woman’s face remained the same, and she twisted like a snake and walked slowly to Gao Cai’s side. The jade hand shook and stroked Gao Cai gently.
In the face of this frivolous woman, she coldly looked at her hands and gently pressed the whole sea bead. Suddenly, an absolute majesty landed and came towards the female repression.
This change made the female face become frivolous and stopped, and her eyes were dignified and she forgot to look around.
With the scanning eyes getting more dignified, the body vibrates back to its true face, and the shawl neck is as white as jade, and the melon face is beautiful. In the intersection, people don’t feel abrupt, but they feel pity, and the whole body is full of breath, and they slowly resist the pressure of the sea.
This woman is really behind her, which makes Gao Cai look dignified. This woman turned out to be a true fairy.
When you can’t help but be glad that you have done enough to interrogate this person, otherwise this woman will be furious and afraid that she will have some disasters. After all, there is still a big gap between her true fairy and herself.
But now Gao Cai is afraid to enter his magic weapon, so he has to deal with it by himself. Even a true fairy should weigh the power of Chun Yang Lingbao.

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步入会所,我首先被其典雅大方的装修风格所吸引。柔和的灯光,简约而不失精致的装饰,让人瞬间感受到一种放松的氛围。工作人员的热情接待,让我感受到了家的温暖,每一个服务环节都透露出他们的专业与细致。 在专业按摩师的引导下,我开始了我的按摩之旅。首先,按摩师为我进行了个性化的咨询,详细了解了我的需求和身体状况,然后为我推荐了适合的按摩项目。在按摩过程中,我选择了中式按摩和泰式按摩相结合的方式,旨在达到舒缓筋骨、放松身心的效果。 中式按摩师手法娴熟,力道适中,随着按摩师轻柔的指法,我的肌肉逐渐放松,身体仿佛被轻轻托起,飘然欲仙。而泰式按摩则更加注重身体的伸展与放松,按摩师的动作连贯而有力,让我在紧张的生活节奏中找到了一丝宁静。 在按摩过程中,我还体验了专业的香薰疗法。随着香薰精油轻柔的香气弥漫开来,我的心情也渐渐平静下来,仿佛置身于一片幽静的森林之中。专业的音乐疗法也在此时发挥作用,悠扬的旋律伴随着按摩师的指法,让我在愉悦中进入了深度放松的状态。 按摩结束后,我感到身心舒畅,仿佛所有的疲惫都被一扫而空。专业的按摩师还为我提供了适当的拉伸和休息建议,让我在离开时能够更好地适应日常生活的节奏。 上海天街这家专业按摩会所不仅提供了高品质的按摩服务,还注重顾客的个性化需求。在这里,我体验到了中式按摩的温婉和泰式按摩的力度,感受到了香薰和音乐带来的心灵慰藉。 总的来说,这次上海天街的专业按摩体验让我印象深刻。在这里,我不仅得到了身体上的放松,更在心灵上得到了滋养。我相信,在今后的忙碌生活中,这段宁静的时光将成为我宝贵的回忆,激励我以更加饱满的精神状态面对生活的挑战。