Sword ups and downs said, "My father’s sword? It is the only person in the world who has left the bodhi old zu in Jiange. "
Casting Sword City has been isolated from the world for many years, and the story of the third brother of the ancestral seat of Jiange is rare. When Jiang Manlou heard about it, he was shocked.
Jiang said, "So sword? Presumably, the elder xiu has already become a Jian Sheng? "
Ten years ago, Kunlun was robbed and fated, and the old man who stargazed at the stars died one after another, and then blade master’s Houxiang Daozong, Tiandong Shengzhu, and Emperor Yutian fell one after another. The demon emperor was seriously injured and never reached the peak, and the old man Bai Zhiqiu couldn’t fall.
In ten years, the saints and aliens are ready to move again, and there is a great potential to make a comeback. Otherwise, in ten days, the sages will not be closed to the world and beg to enter the saints on the eve of troubled times, and they will have the strength to resist the aliens.
But now it seems that if you cast a sword, will it be the Lord’s sword? Senior kendo tong sheng didn’t get his turn. Fuck this luxury!
Sword ups and downs to meet Jiang full of questioning eyes smiled "my father didn’t pass the saint"
I’m drinking tea, and I can’t help laughing when I spray the tea all over the floor.
It took thousands of years for the ancestors of the Tang Jiange to just rob the territory of the sword and show off in front of him! Is it rare to cultivate a sword? One of the ten brothers in the same robe of the mountain master is a kendo master, but is the mountain master showing off?
Of course, these psychological activities can’t reveal people’s feelings. I tried my best not to laugh at the ups and downs of the sword. The frog at the bottom of the well quickly wiped the water stains on the corners of his mouth. "I think the public should not take it lightly. After all, the aliens are dark about us."
Sword ups and downs narrowed his eyes.
Seeing Jiang building full of restraint and ridicule, he patted the armchair and got up and turned his back to coldly say, "Thank you for waking up! Come and see Fujian … "
Jiang Manlou was invited out of the Lord’s Mansion.
In hindsight, I realized that I was rude. Look at that sword’s ups and downs and arrogant look. I won’t believe my heartfelt words.
Thinking hard, he found an inn and waited for the arrival of the meeting person.
It wasn’t until the evening that Mrs. Yang, the landlord of the building of the cat house, appeared with two familiar figures at one end of the world lock.
Chapter seventy-six Killing night ()
Mo Xiang qi yue San ren Zhu Jian cheng
Ten years ago, Bai Zhiqiu, the old man of the secret, joined hands to surprise Rui Tu, and removed the two boundary mountains that stepped into the Magic Road Emperor’s Imperial Secret Pavilion, so he became the emperor’s tears and wanted to eradicate the enemy at all costs.
In the past ten years, the Imperial League’s Tianji Pavilion and the two boundary mountains are in the same fire and water, and the Imperial League is strong enough to match the strength. The number of buildings scattered in the sky has led to a wide search for intelligence and information. The strength of Luo Tian’s Tianji Pavilion has been greatly damaged, and there are ten different buildings in the world.
And those who were lucky enough to leave many floors also had to hide in the dark to avoid the revenge of the imperial alliance, which made the cat cabinet busy for ten years and blocked all kinds of information. At the beginning, Luo Changfeng made a big fuss about the holy sacrifice ceremony, and after this person evaporated, An Hongdou wrote to the cat cabinet and echoed.
Recently, however, something happened to the Imperial League Department, which not only removed the deployment in succession, but also brought back the three-robe leader against the royal army of the two boundary mountains of the cat pavilion, and Nuoda Zhongzhou also issued a thyme ban.
The Imperial Capital Center and the surrounding thirteen king cities, Fiona Fang, are all grounded!
The thyme ban lasted more than nine days! No one knows what happened, even the emperor’s secret building in the same place is a faint guess and dare not judge easily.
Although I don’t know what the emperor’s tears are trying to do, I removed the thirteen royal armies, and the imperial alliance also left a breathing space for the cat cabinet. Three people were invited to come here at the invitation of Jiang Manlou …
In the inn, I saw two comrades-in-arms coming from the street for several years, and I couldn’t hide my joy. I couldn’t help but go to the window and look at the building. They were about to enter the door and shouted, "It’s been ten years. What do you think?"
Three people in the month were dazed.
I haven’t seen this guy for years, and the more difficult he is to talk, the more he understands, and there is not even a sentence to pave the way.
Jiang’s building was full of faces, so he winked at the three people in the month and then compared his hands and thumbs to move.
Never came from a sentence to a very obvious hint, and I stared at the evil face like a grudge.

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