Then, together with all the ghosts and gods in the temple, they couldn’t help flattering Lingqing to persuade him to drink.
After a while, he still drinks to the cup to dry all the ghosts and gods, but he is impatient.
Just as the smiling face of the mountain god is also a bit awkward.
Thud ~
Lingqing fell to the ground with a glass in his hand and couldn’t move.
Suddenly the whole hall was silent.
After a while aside wine imp carefully close to Lingqing side gently call way
"Fairy long? Xian Chang? "
I called several times in a row, but I didn’t respond, and I leaned over and looked at it with courage.
See your eyes closed and you are in a coma.
Busy joy shouted at the mountain god
"Grandpa, this man is really unconscious."
The mountain god smell speech immediately a happy said
"I said he was a thousand cups, but he turned out to be a natural freak, haha ~"
"Can drink so much Wang Qian day drunk also shows that this person is not shallow."
Aside the judge congratulations way
"If you can his whole body JingXie essence hard to that Shi Teng can be scattered.
So the mountain god can also take the treasure in the secret cave.
In the future, we will follow the road and make great progress. "
"This is the reason!"
Smell speech temple ghosts and gods suddenly cried with joy.
It doesn’t matter whether you can live without your body, blood and essence.
"Ha ha ha ~ God will never forget you when the time comes."
The mountain god was flattered and suddenly felt high.
However, he hasn’t been carried away yet, looking at Lingqing rushing around and pointing out
"This person can be physically into my realm and want to have a baby body.
You and I found out that it is a wave to leave him now. "
Three or five imps should reach out with their black paws and go to Lingqing for touch.
I heard a sigh before touching my body, and then I saw the road flyover in front of me suddenly disappear.
"ah? ! !”
The mountain god looked at him and immediately made a fuss about searching.
"Grandpa, grandpa!"
One side kid pointed to his throne and shouted at him

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