Caesar seems to be in pain and difficult to respond.
Lu Chen’s hand lightly crossed Caesar’s sword and Hao was torn to pieces and fell into the muddy ground in the rain.
He wants to see if Caesar has any wounds, such as Deadpool toxin infection
But Caesar’s body is clean and his chest is strong, and his pectoralis major muscles are washed away in the rain.
At this time, the sky thunder flashed and the blood fog condensed into a huge umbilical cord virtual shadow, like a light beam falling straight towards several people or … falling towards Caesar.
"Brother, your side!"
Xia Mi woke up in the invitation.
Can have less than Xia Mi woke up Liu Chen hand from Caesar’s shoulder ChuHang also alert slightly back.
Thunder explodes, rain falls, and the baby cries again. Caesar’s body is shaking and his hand is put on his face with a strange expression.
Like laughing and struggling, the rain fell from his statue-like face, and a pair of golden pupils were harsh.
In the quaint monasteries of Italy
There is a chessboard in front of the two old people, and the chess fight has reached the end.
"Gamma, you’re a little upset."
Alpha orifice
"Father …"
Gamma was in a bad mood and almost called the wrong name. Alpha took a cold look and took it back. "I am a little worried that Pompeii has completely betrayed the family, but the plan is impossible."
"This is indeed the worst time. He will not fail to understand this point. From this point of view, he has indeed betrayed his family."
Alpha pawn has arrived, and the final has been promoted to queen.
"No matter how strong the statue is, it can’t be Lu Chen’s opponent in the recovery stage, and it can’t be an ordinary dragon king opponent."
Gamma face is worried and hard to hide.
"Pompeii will get rid of our control, and a good move will kill us."
Alpha looked calm. "In fact, he miscalculated a little. He won’t be killed. He missed humanity."
Gamma looked up at his father and wanted to know his father’s opinion
"Caesar and Lu Chen are very good. It’s better to say that they have the ability to kill others. Those people won’t kill him. At most, they will arrest him and send him to the secret party prison."
Alpha corners of the mouth with a strange smile.
"But … the secret party if questioned the family on this matter? Caesar, after all, is the heir of Gattuso’s family. If there is any problem with his lineage … "
How does gamma want to solve the funeral?
"We can cooperate with the secret party workers to revive the secret party in the form of reincarnation. There is no evidence to point out that we manipulated it. Speaking of it, are we Gattusos or victims?"
Alpha’s carefree look and urging eyes mean it’s your turn to fall.
Chapter three hundred and ninety-three So what is the price?
Gamma smell speech relaxed slightly and continued to fall. "We have eliminated the due evidence, so it is really reassuring to think about it."
Alpha smiled. "Just as Caesar will never know how her mother died, the secret party will never catch us. Sometimes we will win in the end."
Gamma thought again and hesitated. "But what if they didn’t kill Caesar or take him alive? If they … Is there any special way to kill the Zun? "
Alpha was silent for two seconds and shook his head. "That boy named Lu is really good at fighting, but there is nothing he can’t do in this kind of struggle."
"I always feel that … Pompeii is hiding something from us and we have missed some information."
Gamma is a little uneasy.
"King Tianfeng, we are monitoring what the earth mountain king is playing in the college … The game can be connected in this world and knows how to implement it, leaving a missing dragon king, and as far as I know, Caesar’s identity can be determined for several people on their trip."
Alpha waved his hand to show gamma relief.
But after he finished, he also felt a little agitated and picked up the flat surface exercise at hand
"Call the guard to confirm and reassure you."
Alpha like that feeling that he can control the army with his finger.
Just as the Roman emperor once had a palace guard, so did their twelve family elders. The private army was usually responsible for guarding the monastery and also responsible for helping the elders search for information
If there is urgent information or the family encounters a major decision, the guards will also be responsible for awakening the elders to avoid the "deception" of the current clan leader.
The two continued to play chess, and after a few minutes, Alpha stopped.
He frowned slightly. The guard should have arrived long ago, but someone came to report.
After another five minutes, the two finally realized that something was wrong.
Alpha got up and tightened his waist and walked away. The fireplace pulled out a knight’s sword and gamma walked towards the door with serious eyes.
"Follow me"
Alpha cold way pushed the door and walked out.
The nurses and maids in the corridor smiled with training when they saw Alpha nodding in succession.
The two men entered the password in front of a door in the corridor building and got through to the underground door. This is the "residence" of the guards.
It can be said that it is a small arsenal, and it also has all kinds of high-tech instruments and information held by the supercomputer family. If necessary, they will wake up the elders to inform them.
Ride the ladder and sink. When the ladder door hits, Alpha and Gamma will change color in unison.

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