"… you, don’t you hurt?" Master hesitated and asked
Taotao gasped for a long time without feeling such pain, and her soul seemed to tear inch by inch. She said softly, "I’m used to it."
"Don’t move," she held down and tried to struggle. The child looked at his rebellious and precocious face. "If you die, my master’s roof will be gone."
"The roof?"
"I want to make money to repair the roof for Master."
Jin Youchen asked, "Did you save me for the money?"
She frowned in pain. "What else?"
"If I were an ordinary child, would you save me?"
Taotao thought, "I don’t know, maybe."
Jin Youchen retreated to her shelter and asked him, "What?"
What? Taotao is also not white. She has never been in contact with a real person, nor has she ever lived in a mountain, nor does she boast of being soft. But when Jin Youchen asked this question, she realized that she would.
I feel that I am used to the pain and there is no need for others to taste it.
Snow is falling like goose feathers, and the world is very quiet.
Jin Youchen was lying in Taotao, listening to her painful breathing, and he didn’t speak again. He was also very quiet.
Recalling all kinds of peaches in the past, I suddenly remembered the words she said before planting the spirit pulse in Nangong Dust in the nightmare of demons.
He said that she turned a blind eye to the sufferings of ordinary people, and her heart had made a choice.
She didn’t understand the meaning of his sentence at that time, but now she understands it a little, but she is still at a loss for most of her brain
Jin Youchen brought her back to reality. "Are you going to jump out of the window?"
Taotao hurriedly withdrew her leg from the windowsill. "No, I wanted to get some air by the window."
Not only are the faces of Jin Youchen’s bodyguards full of letters, but do you need to put your legs on the frame?
They have heard about Taotao’s glorious story of jumping off a plane from Xin’s bodyguard. There is no doubt that if their young master comes in one second late, his wife will jump out of the window and escape.
She fled, he chased her, and it was doomed to fly.
Aside Wang Debao’s mind suddenly came up with this sentence.
Seeing Jin Youchen’s bad eyes fixed on Wang Debao and Feng Taotao, he introduced "the person in charge of the southwest area of Julian Waghann Chaotic Tomb"
"Call me Bao Shi," Wang Debao interjected. "Dozens of Wang Shigen in the chaotic tomb can’t tell who is who."
Jin Youchen nodded lightly and pointed to the wind "my younger brother"
He has heard of Feng and knows that he is Taotao’s younger brother with a cold face and a kind "Hello, little younger brother"
The wind "…"
Called little brother by a 14-year-old?
I remember a man who kept calling him a little teacher younger brother, and the wind frowned.
Taotao sensed that he was unhappy and said to Jin Youchen, "Don’t call him that."
"What?" Jin Youchen naturally said, "Isn’t your little brother my little brother?"
"Don’t be no big or small, he is much older than you."
So Jin Youchen changed his tune and said, "Brother, can you leave me alone with Taotao for a while?"
Wang Debao gloated, "This is no different from not changing."
He looked at the wind sympathetically and said, "One day, a teacher is a teacher for life, right, little teacher?"
Feng wasn’t very polite when he faced Lin Quan, but in front of him was a 14-year-old boy. What could he do to a child?
Taotao looked at him for help and gestured "Don’t go, don’t go …"
But Feng Zhuang didn’t see him. He didn’t say anything and turned out.
There are only Jin Youchen, Taotao and bodyguards left in the room.
The teenager’s face is very complicated, both excited and angry.
It happened that he was in adolescence and his cold appearance forced both emotions to pretend to be mature.
Taotao asked, "Why are you here?"
"I can’t come?" Jin Youchen with a straight face

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