It is true that there is no evidence that Mo Kuangfeng and Li Guanghan are in it, and everything is speculation.
A forklift truck came over and destroyed the wall. If you want to pay compensation, you can pay a lot.
"It’s okay! You shovel directly! "
Come behind Feng Guangyin.
The little girl changed her old habit of being Nuo Nuo-oriented, though a little shaky, but not small.
"My brother is in now, and my mother is paralyzed. It’s me who is in charge at home. Anyway, I want to sell you after this building and see if it collapses! Human life! "
Feng Guang came.
Seeing Ji Shu’s face was surprised, Feng Guang said, "Sister Ji, I heard the news of my brother’s death. Just now, the guard uncle called my home. I know everything. It’s okay. Please save people quickly."
Feng Guang had tears in his eyes. "Where can money make up for my brother’s sins?"
The police, firemen and all the people present were moved by Feng Guangshen’s righteousness.
So a fireman drove a forklift to the back of the stairs.
After the rumble, the smoke is everywhere!
Ji Shu took the lead, followed by Guo Feixia, and everyone rushed like ducklings in line to see if they were covered in dust.
"Yes, someone!"
Juck Zhang was the first to cry.
Ji Shu had already contacted the emergency center, and two medical staff immediately rushed over and firefighters got out of the car.
Their sledgehammer broke the broken wall and gradually revealed a big hole.
A fireman rushed in. "There’s a man!"
Ji Shuxin jumped into his throat. How can there be a person? Shouldn’t there be two!
After a while, two firemen carried a man out of the debris.
Fortunately, it’s already late at night, or people who suddenly come out of the winter room in Black Bronx will have unbearable eyes.
Rao, the medical staff still covered the stretcher with a towel.
After all, there are still headlights on the scene.
The man who just came out of the darkness seems to be very tired. He shouted something faintly and his voice was hoarse.
You will be very tired and weak if you don’t enter the room after being dripped for almost 4 hours.
Once you don’t drink water for two days, human organs will start to fail and appear dehydration symptoms.
People who don’t drink water for three days may fall into a coma and never wake up.
Juck Zhang ran "MoKuang maple! Are you okay? "
Ji Shu has actually recognized it, so he is in a hurry. "Where is Li Guanghan’s eldest brother Mo Kuangfeng?"
Juck Zhang was even more surprised when he saw that the man was Li Guanghan.
"ah? Then, what about Mo Kuang Feng! "
Li Guanghan said in a hoarse voice, "I don’t know who tied me up, but I don’t know anything else. I guess Feng Guangyao killed thousands of knives, didn’t he?"
Jishu nodded.
"MoKuang maple was tied? !”
Li Guanghan was shocked to sit up and was stopped by the medical staff.
"I said what’s the point of tying me up? Xiao Mo was also tied up!"
Ji Shu has understood that this is a smoke bomb.
Feng Guangyao let it out on purpose.
Even if she succeeds in finding a place to hide hostages, there is a 50% chance to rescue Mo Kuangfeng.
And because I didn’t expect two people to be delayed in search and rescue in different places.
Ji Shu has been here for seven hours, and now it’s early morning, and the danger of Mo Kuangfeng has increased again.
"Boss Ji, I can’t see or hear anything in it. I’m going to explain it here in my life. I didn’t expect you to save me!"
"This should be! You are tied up and implicated by me. Feng Guangyao keeps the cause. It is estimated that if I fail in Guanhua Primary School, he will let you go and if I succeed, he will decide to let you die. "
Li Guanghan’s face showed a little joy. He was tied up as soon as he got out of the hotel. He was worried that Ji Shu could not handle Guanhua Primary School alone.
He doesn’t know the specific situation yet, but he feels anxious when he thinks that Mo Kuangfeng hasn’t found it yet.
"Li Dage, you should go to the hospital now and leave it to me!"
Li Guanghan wanted to say something, but two medical staff pulled him to the ambulance in a hurry.
"Patients need immediate rehydration treatment! Symptoms of dehydration have already appeared! "
After the ambulance roared away, the police and firefighters were a little at a loss.
This man was rescued, but there is another one!

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