Yi didn’t die. Meng Fei found that the six sand beasts had some cracks on the surface of their bodies after being hit by him, but they didn’t collapse. It was inconvenient to distribute firm but gentle, and the simple attack power was not very weak.
But he didn’t even kill a sand beast with one blow.
The sword shadow of rare purple light lights up again.
Six sand beasts know that they have hit the iron plate without any hesitation. They roar directly toward the yellow sand.
Poof, poof, poof
The three-headed sand beast was directly cut into two pieces by the waist. Another name, Sansha beast, played it by ear and hid in the depths of yellow sand.
These guys’ means of escape is unique. Meng Fei took the crystal nucleus of Sansha animal body and flew away at top speed.
Wait until Meng Fei is not far from here.
Listen to whoosh and see dozens of sand beasts running directly from the sand.
That human is terrible. One of the sand beasts looked up at the distance and muttered, I don’t know when I will get enough bodies. The sand once jumped directly into the yellow sand.
Just like Meng Fei thought.
If the ultimate monster beast bat snake is not on this first floor, then this first floor is the floor with the least danger in the elimination tower. After Meng Fei solved several attempts to kill him, after the examination,
Finally, I found the ladder leading to the second floor.
Climb the ladder
Second floor of elimination tower
This is a jungle world, with dense leaves and thorns everywhere. It is difficult to see whether it is in crisis or not.
Although there is no dreamland in this place, we should also be careful to sneak up on Meng Fei’s body and form a real force shield directly, and then advance at full speed in this jungle world with a sword in hand.
Half a day later, Meng Fei suddenly stopped to look into the distance.
An assessment is not far away now.
It was he Meng Fei who breathed a sigh of relief. Although many people didn’t know his name in these assessments, Meng Fei remembered the appearance of others.
Meng Feifei flew up, but the trees in this jungle world are high and straight to the top of this second floor.
Dense trees completely blocked the view.
Meng Fei didn’t find a small green snake with a long forefinger curled up in the leaves, and its body color matched the color of the leaves.
Meng Fei height root detection
However, this little green snake’s eyes are very cold and staring straight at Fang’s speed flying over Meng Fei.
The little green snake with flashing fingers shot directly at Meng Fei and then bit Meng Fei’s neck.
Well, Meng Fei’s face changed, and his shield was stabbed through 70% in an instant. It’s terrible that his attack power is sharp.
Strength weakness assessment I’m afraid I will be killed when I meet this little green snake.
The little green snake didn’t hesitate to flee for life without a blow.
Whew, a strange purple light passes by, sometimes stagnates, and sometimes produces overlapping shadows. In the scream of the little green snake, a purple sword awn directly cuts through the body of the little green snake.
Pa green snake directly broke into two pieces.
After the fracture, the two bodies became sharply larger, and they became two green snakes with a length of 10 meters and the thickness of buckets.
The green snake’s body fell directly to Fang.
Meng Fei took a deep breath in the monster beast of life and death. It is rare for the outside world to meet this type of monster beast. Meng Fei glanced at Fang’s body and frowned. Fortunately, as soon as he entered here, he added several layers of shields to himself, which enhanced his defense. Otherwise, he really couldn’t resist this.
Meng Fei is white at the moment.
Anything as strong as Zhao Yu Wang Zhao Yingxin should be careful to enter this elimination tower together.

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