His shadow magic masters are also divided into two camps to fight their main battles. They must defend on both sides.
"talk big!" The West Devil roared at the tip of his finger, and five nails with three inches as long as the blade emerged, and they were caught by Xiao Fan mercilessly.
"Ha ha come on! Let Wang test how lethal this newly gained power is to the devil-level opponents at the same time! " Xiao Fan laughed and raised my hand and stretched out a radiant sword in the palm of your hand!
"Hey!" With a sword swing, the West Devil’s arm was cut off neatly, and a puff of black smoke suddenly rose from the wound!
"Wow!" The West Devil screams and retreats crazily. Xiao Fan pulls away again.
"Ah … ah … light … turned out to be light …" The West Demon King’s experts were also afraid to stand back.
Light is the most deadly bane for them!
"It looks unexpectedly good!" Xiao Fan will lightsaber hand dance a few swords leisurely say
"Ha, ha, ha, the great king is amazing. Even the human light property has been mastered. This is the light saber that human beings have used! The shadow demon controls the light attribute. Isn’t that a weakness and an enemy? Long live the great king! " Xiao Fan hands looked at ecstasy more than shouting up one by one.
"This … this is really a light property force you … how could you? Will have this power? This ….. "The half face of the West Devil was terrified and became distorted by fear.
"So I say … the Chinese demon king is a fart king, and now he is the most powerful in this dark world. Die, Western demon king!" Xiao Fan ferocious said step forward again soon lightsaber front draw a dazzling light!
"Ah … ah … the king don’t want to die to help me! The demon king … I take revenge! " The West Devil’s language was horrified and screamed, and his body was swallowed up by the light, and then he was completely blackened and scattered!
"Ah … the Lord of the West is dead … this … this is incredible!" All the shadow demons were deeply shocked again at the same time.
"Great East Devil, we are willing to serve you. Please don’t kill us!" The Western Demon King told the masters to kneel down and beg for mercy toward Xiao Fan.
"Hum Wang doesn’t need so many things!" Xiao Fan said indifferently and immediately raised his hand and waved it. "Let’s swallow them. It’s also a disaster for the guys to defect so easily!"
Suddenly scream echoed in the castle of the West Devil …
Chapter 941 The Demon Lord
In just over ten days, Xiao Fan led a bunch of people to sweep over three dark cities.
The Western Demon King, the Southern Demon King and the Northern Demon King Root didn’t strike back and were completely blasted by Xiao Fan!
And the hands of the three demons were also swallowed up by Xiao Fan, the size of the shadow devil.
Those guys who have swallowed up three cities in a row have reached the extreme of shadow magic with rapid growth in strength!
However, these guys are more devoted to Xiao Fan.
By killing him, Xiao Fan, the three shadow demons, also mastered some clues about the celestial gate again.
It is true that these five dark cities are closely related to the celestial gate. Xiao Fan vaguely feels that if we can take everything from the central magic city, we will get to the bottom!
However, the news that the West Devil invaded and ravaged his three cities also reached the ears of the Middle Devil.
The demon king actually has a complete human face, an old face and half of his body tends to be materialized, and it seems that the people who have been swallowed up are not counted.
"This Western Devil has gone against the sky and has the power to kill the remaining three Devils, and it’s really damn that he has done such a thing!" In a rage, the Lord roared in the hall of the castle.
"The noble king Narcissus, with a group of extremely strong hands, is coming towards our central magic city quickly, and I’m afraid it will arrive in a day!" A hand hurriedly reported
"Come to the good king didn’t go to find it. It sent its own door to the king. Then he should completely obliterate it and rearrange the order of the dark world! Those who dare to disobey the king’s insistence must be eliminated! " In the devil’s eyes, the cold light sparkled and the murderous teeth roared.
"Yes, the Western Devil doesn’t know how little he is to do such a thing. Doesn’t he know that once the order of the five magic cities is destroyed, what we have been suppressing for thousands of years will be out of our control?" Another master sighed and said
"Hum what does it know? The Western Devil is just a guy who was born billions of years ago. He doesn’t know the seriousness of things, and these things are highly confidential in our dark world. The fewer people know, the better! " The middle demon king sat on the throne with a snort of cold, rubbing his hands and saying, "Go to his four cities as soon as possible and occupy them. Try to keep the dark power of the cities at a normal level. Otherwise, we will all be in trouble!"
"Yes!" The four most powerful guys around the demon king were brought to leave quickly.
"Lord Hunxi … if you don’t know what you have, it’s up to the king to meet you himself!" The middle devil immediately got up and waved his hand and said, "Everyone will wait out of the city with the king. Don’t let the big fight here affect the seal!"
Followed by several shadow magic masters, they followed the Chinese devil to the front of the city gate

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一踏入《水木晶华养生按摩》中心,便会被其高雅的环境所吸引。宽敞明亮的大厅,融合了中式古典元素与现代设计风格,让人在繁忙的都市生活中,找到一份宁静与惬意。中心的每一个角落都充满了养生气息,让顾客在享受按摩的同时,也能感受到身心的放松。 《水木晶华养生按摩》中心拥有一支专业的按摩师团队,他们经过严格的培训和选拔,具备丰富的按摩经验和精湛的技艺。在按摩过程中,按摩师会根据顾客的身体状况和需求,量身定制个性化的按摩方案,让顾客在享受舒适的同时,达到舒缓疲劳、缓解压力、改善睡眠等效果。 在《水木晶华养生按摩》中心,你可以选择多种按摩项目,如中式按摩、泰式按摩、足疗、拔罐等。其中,中式按摩是中心最具特色的养生项目之一。中式按摩融合了中医经络学说和现代按摩技巧,通过对人体穴位和经络的按摩,达到调节阴阳、疏通经络、调和气血的目的,对于缓解亚健康、提高免疫力、改善睡眠等方面具有显著效果。 除了中式按摩,泰式按摩也是《水木晶华养生按摩》中心的特色项目之一。泰式按摩起源于泰国,以手法独特、力度适中、效果显著而著称。在泰式按摩过程中,按摩师会运用手法、拉伸、挤压等多种技巧,帮助顾客放松肌肉、缓解疲劳,同时还能促进血液循环,提高身体免疫力。 在《水木晶华养生按摩》中心,足疗也是一项备受好评的项目。足疗通过按摩足部穴位和反射区,调节人体内分泌,促进血液循环,对于改善睡眠、缓解疲劳、预防疾病等方面具有显著效果。在这里,你可以享受到专业的足疗师为您精心打造的足部护理,让您的双脚在舒适的环境中焕然一新。 《水木晶华养生按摩》中心的服务态度同样值得称赞。在这里,每一位顾客都会得到贴心的关怀和专业的建议。中心的工作人员热情周到,耐心解答顾客的疑问,让顾客在享受按摩的同时,感受到家的温馨。 总之,《水木晶华养生按摩》中心以其独特的养生理念、精湛的按摩技艺和优质的服务,成为了都市人群追求健康生活的首选之地。在这里,你可以尽情享受按摩带来的舒适与放松,让身心得到全面的呵护。无论是在工作压力大、疲惫不堪的时候,还是在追求健康生活的道路上,都可以在这里找到心灵的归宿。