Jing Dengling said, "I’m flattered … it’s not a secret, and there’s nothing to do with it, but it teaches the old man to think of it. That is, there is a place called Evil Ghost Ridge on the twenty-mile road southeast of our village, which is very close to the road. I heard that pedestrians on haunted roads are scared to death several times at night, so no one dares to pass after this road gets dark …"
Hua Yumei said, "It’s hard to say whether there are ghosts or gods. I guess this haunted ghost ridge must have happened in the last year or two. Your villa owners have been busy visiting uncle Situfeng to see the ghost ridge, right?"
Jing Dengling showed her expression. "It’s true that the place was not called Evil Ghost Ridge. It was rich in good coal mines more than a hundred years ago. After nearly a hundred years of mining and excavation, it has been reported that the oil wells in the broad mountain pit covering more than 20 miles have been deserted like cobwebs for decades, and even birds and animals are rarely found, but only to find that ghosts have come up in the past two years."
Hua Yumei hesitated. I said, "The situation in this evil spirit ridge is so sinister that it’s really ideal if the enemy invades Guizhuang camp in this ridge. However, the local villa owner said that the mines and caves in that ridge are as secret as cobwebs, and it’s very difficult to access them. If the villa owner can find people who are familiar with the terrain and draw detailed drawings, then if the enemy really occupies this place, I can teach them to die!"
Jing Dengling pondered for a moment, saying, "When I was young, the old man had been to the ridge mine several times, and most of them couldn’t see the sky in depth, just like cobweb glue. Some of the deep wells were extremely dangerous. Even if martial arts people accidentally fell down the well, they would be trapped by themselves, even if they didn’t die on the spot. In retrospect, the impression is very vague. This trap is close to the village to find those old people who used to mine decades ago and try to draw detailed drawings …"
He seems to have lost a lot of worries and hurried out with a smile on his face.
In the middle of the night, the three old people in Longhuzhuang appeared in the room where flowers and jade eyebrows lived. Everyone looked solemn and their eyes flashed with hatred and anger from time to time.
Hua Yumei said behind the curtain, "Old Man, but did the unpleasant news happen in Evil Ghost Ridge?"
Jing Dengling said, "It was the old brothers who went to look for the old people in the nearby villages this evening. They knew that there were 14 girls missing in seventy townships near here in the past two years. Although these missing girls always had clothes, shoes and socks, they seemed to have been killed in an accident, but after careful investigation, the old people found that there were many suspicious places …"
Hua Yumei said, "So the Evil Ghost Ridge has been occupied by capable experts sent by the enemy in recent two years. Maybe others are here."
She paused for a moment and then said, "There are still dozens of old people in towns and villages who have all died, aren’t there?" Situ Dengmei said, "Miss Hua guessed exactly, but our brothers still have a solid terrain. How can you guess that all the old people are dead?"
This is exactly what Jing Dengling and Jing Dengshao want to know. It is their department that does not listen to her answer silently.
Behind the curtain, she was sent out. "It’s very simple. First, you are out in person together. If those old people are healthy, you will never bring a topographic map. Second, you look heavy."
The tone also shows that you have confirmed that the evil spirit ridge is occupied by the enemy. If only fourteen girls have an accident, how can you be so sure? Therefore, I must have been the examinees who died. You can guess that the other party is using a means to kill them. Third, if I were the devil, this means of killing them would naturally have to be done. It is not surprising that I can guess these three reasons. "
Although it is reasonable to answer the question of Hua Yumei behind the invisible curtain, it is beyond the ordinary people’s imagination that it is the three elders of Longhu Mountain Villa who still say that they are very impressed by Jing Dengling’s way. "Miss Hua is clever and beautiful, and the first one is rotten. It can be said that this topographic map of Evil Ghost Ridge is drawn by the three old brothers after reading each other in detail according to their memories, so it is inconvenient to go to Evil Ghost Ridge for checking."
The ugly maidservant in red took the map. After being sent into the curtain, the map sound was immediately displayed.
After a while, Hua Yumei said, "According to the map of your manor, the evil spirit ridge is really in a dangerous situation, and there is no feeling of being overwhelmed."
Jing Dengling said, "The old man is painted from memory. There are still many tunnels that have not been found, and some deep holes have been closed decades ago. Even the old man doesn’t know how to record them …"
Hua Yumei said, "I’d like to leave details here. If you study this matter well, it’s not urgent to wait for a day and a half to ask you again."
The three elders of Longhu Mountain Villa got up to leave and went out. After they went, the ugly maid in red quietly lit a good fragrance and then withdrew.
The five maidservants in red kept the door outside for a long time and waited for a meal. Suddenly, the figure of the gate flashed, and then a National People’s Congress stepped into the courtyard. It was that abundant god elegance and always showed a lonely and melancholy look.
He greeted the ugly maid in red with his handsome eyes. He immediately asked, "I want to see your girl …"
The ugly maid in red said, "Master Huan, please wait a moment for the maid to enter!" She quickly went into the room and then came out with a smile, "Please welcome the girl."
Huan Yu walked to the room to listen to the ugly maid in red in a low voice. "When my girl meditates, no one is allowed to interrupt the full trend of thought with the exception of Huan Ye …"
Huan Yu walked into the room and saw the graceful figure behind the curtain. He made a salute with a full fist. "This incense asks for it but it doesn’t disturb the girl’s ideological trend. I feel very uneasy!"
Hua Yumei jiao said, "Brother Huan, please don’t be too modest. Is it because that girl gabbed that Brother Huan didn’t come in to discuss it in detail?"
Huan yu hurriedly hand way "so good so good …"
Flower jade eyebrow chuckle a "huan brother dare to have prejudice against the goddess? Therefore, shame Wu? "
Huan Yu was silent for a while before saying, "Please forgive me for not answering …"
Hua Yumei said, "Even so, it’s nothing. I don’t know if you have any advice at this moment."
Huan Zi said, "The girl said that she wanted to ask one thing, that is, how long is the girl going to stay when she returns to this village?"
Hua Yumei also asked his heart, "It’s not easy to be sure about a year!" "
Huan Yu Gong gave a hand and said, "Thank you for telling me. I’ll leave now!"
Hua Yumei asked, "Isn’t that what Brother Huan asked this time?"
Huan Yu hesitated, "Yes, I really want to ask the girl if she has this sentence!"
Hua Yumei said, "Brother Huan’s words mean that there is another one. Do you really want to ask questions and don’t say it together?" Speaking of which, the curtain suddenly came out, and she was covered with a white gauze, which covered her charming body with nothing but obscene clothes and shorts. When she walked, the nipple and hip waves swayed, and a pair of round and white jade legs were exposed. Just this pair of hot clothes was enough to make people lose their souls. There was also a gorgeous face, which could not be described as a kind of smoke, glamour and glamour.
Huan Yu knife-shaped eyebrows a wrinkly eyes she slipped a turn immediately.

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