When I woke up, I was in the hospital and I was still dripping.
I open my eyes and my head hurts inexplicably, just like waking up the next day after being drunk. I am in a very bad state
The glare of my eyes shone into my eyes, and my eyes gave a stiff pain.
Then I slowly closed my eyes again.
Now I’m like a thousand-year-old sleeper in a dusty ice cube. After the ice cube melts, I feel the warmth of the sun and then slowly open my eyes, but my eyes are stung by this strange and familiar light, and then I close my eyes.
I touched my forehead with my other hand and then tried to open my eyes.
What the hell …
What happened to Liu Qianqian?
I opened my eyes and put my hand over my eyebrows.
When my eyes adapted to the dazzling light, I took my hand from my forehead.
Just then, a nurse at the door rushed to me and said to me, hey, don’t touch the drip yet
After hearing the nurse say this, I didn’t move much in my hospital bed.
I shook my head and said I had a headache.
Now my head is like an egg. I feel like I’m shaking, and my brain is shaking with me.
After seeing the nurse come to me, I glanced at the nurse and asked him where he was?
I just finished talking. The nurse froze!
I can see from her expression that she knows absolutely nothing!
deny all knowledge of an event
I told the nurse that the car just ran over the traffic police car. Where’s the girl?
It seems that the nurse suddenly understood what I said after I said it! The nurse nodded at me and said, rescue, death!
I said, why don’t you save him?
The nurse said she tried her best!
After saying these three words, the nurse looked at the door.
Seeing that no one else turned his head at the door and looked at me, he said to me, can the traffic policeman still live when his brain is pressed out?
I said, what about girls?
Hearing me say the word girl, the nurse sighed again and said that girl was even worse. Although I didn’t arrive at the scene, I heard that my head was cut by the window glass.
I feel incredible when I hear these words. I said, what about them now?
The nurse said you need your family in the morgue. Come on.
I got one.
All dead …
Maybe ghosts will kill people during the day?
This thought flashed through my mind. I said to the nurse, the police … What do you say?
Maybe I asked too many questions. The nurse was a little impatient! The nurse said to me, what should the police do? How should I know!
When the nurse said this, her tone was a little tough.
"Ah, you this man said what is this? ?” I can’t help but Zhu said 1
The nurse speaks Chinese.
After saying this, the nurse gave me a very rude white look.
The original nurse wanted to leave here, but after turning her head and taking a few steps, she said to me, you’d better not move. Now you are taking an intravenous drip.
I closed my eyes after a while.
The nurse said, ask this and that as if I knew everything.
After complaining about this, I heard a tone
I opened my eyes and the nurse left.
I’m lying in a hospital bed with my eyes closed!

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Chapter three hundred and twenty-five Five and a half seconds…