Jiyue’s body fell heavily on the ground, and the sound echoed gently in the silent two mountains.
Roar, roar, roar, roar, roar, roar, roar, roar, roar, roar, roar, roar, roar, roar, roar.
Hehe, I really feel that something is missing after the death of Qiu Ge Jiyue. Yuan Ye shook his head and smiled, and the artifact Wu Yi once again wore it. Suddenly, Wu Yi’s protective mirror, the dzi bead, immediately recovered Yuan Ye’s slight injury to the tired muscles.
Now the question is how to get away from this hellhole, Yuan Ye said, and slowly walked to the central light curtain. His little jerk rarely touched the light curtain as he walked, but when Qi Yue was fighting just now, Yuan Yeqi Yue’s body passed through the light curtain several times, and Yuan Ye already felt the uniqueness of the light curtain.
The light curtain stands in the middle of two giant mountains, and Yuan Yexin calms down.
On both sides of the screen, you can see yourself through the screen, but in the screen, when your heart is slowly quiet, a feeling of spiritual desire, anxiety and ignorance strikes, which makes Yuan Yebi enjoy it.
Yuan Yebai, this is another heaven, a heaven of death, a heaven of life and a different heaven.
It is natural that life and death represent two kinds of heaven, but people have no thoughts and distractions at first. This is the purest and simplest source of human nature, and this kind of morality also represents a kind of heaven and pure heaven.
Brother Qiu, let’s try it together. Yuan Yewei smiled and waved to the little jerk.
Oh, the little jerk bobbed his head and walked over. Yuan Ye, now the little jerk is in this screen, but it doesn’t make any difference. Look around and look cute and silly.
It’s also that this bastard is heartless when he comes. He usually worries and doesn’t know how to get in. However, I have too many troubles now. It has become a luxury to enjoy Yuan Ye’s shaking his head and wry smile, and he no longer wants to shake his sleeves and stride forward.
With Yuan Ye’s departure, the scene in this light curtain has gradually changed. It is still the pure heaven, but this pure heaven is gradually divided into two parts. One is now all kinds of love and hate, ambition and hegemony, and all kinds of worries, worries and ideological burdens. The other is a completely pure person who can be physically tired but never worry or be depressed.
Once upon a time, I was a worry, and I wouldn’t be surrounded by so many beliefs. I just came to this world to peek at Xu Ying’s bath. At that time, I was heartless, but after so many years, I was getting farther and farther away from myself. Yuan Ye was a little sad at the thought of this.
Suddenly, Yuan Ye saw a black-robed man sitting cross-legged next to a narrow passage, like a closed penance. Yuan Ye suddenly opened his eyes and his eyes were cold, but there was not much divine light. Even the most resolute person in this changing and inflexible world would go crazy.
Are you here to cultivate pure attribute strength or to look for artifacts? I’m afraid I haven’t spoken for many years.
Hehe, it’s not exactly Yuan Ye who smiled and gave you a suggestion. No matter what you want to do, walk in the middle of this screen and go straight ahead. Maybe it will be new.
Well, the man even tried to walk in.
As soon as I came in, Yuan Ye also talked with him. This person’s name is Xiao Kun, but he is a big man with seven attributes. This time, he came in with the mentality of looking for artifacts. Even if he couldn’t find the pure attributes of uniting, he didn’t expect to get anything when he came in. He didn’t say that he wanted to go or not, and he spent tens of thousands of years in a squat.
This pure attribute artifact field is not the same as the two major artifact fields of death and life, but the quality is still the same. If you don’t say it with both hands, I’m afraid you will pay a great price. The first nine layers of the two artifact fields can’t pass the test, but they are directly dead and haven’t broken here yet. I didn’t even go to see the screen before I saw it.
If you pass a certain test, you will not die, but you will be qualified to practice this attribute. The more you pass the test, the deeper you practice.
It is also a great risk to enter the artifact territory. After all, no one dares to say that the strength of the artifact territory will be successful, and a generation of the artifact territory can enter once. People may have cultivated to the extremely high level of thirteen attributes and fourteen attributes early, but they have never made any progress and disappeared directly from the world. Except that they may have become hermits, it is now possible that the tragic man Xiao Kun enters other artifact fields like this or fails to go or is directly killed by the artifact.
Of course, not everyone has to enter the field of artifacts to cultivate this attribute. It’s not so absolutely better than that your master is sixteen attributes. Then you can simply give him to you without going anywhere. But someone needs to be the first to test the ten attributes. What is the highest attribute in this world? Sixteen attributes is because of the strongest attribute. It is said that none of the people who entered the two artifact territories got it alive, and then no one dared to enter 578 artifact heaven and earth.
After a few words, Yuan Yexiaokun was silent because both of them once again fell into their own pure world.
Further on, people trapped in this artifact field saw two men and a child walking in the middle of the screen and tried to walk. These people who didn’t go walked in the screen without walking in the middle of the screen, or they were killed by the artifact or cultivated pure attributes after success.
Gradually, in the light curtain, the team has increased to more than 30 people, and the pure world has reached the extreme, and various scenes have emerged in front of us.
When I was a child, I was pure, simple and happy, and I didn’t think about what this person would bring to you ten years later. Have you ever lost this change?
Even the people around you and your colleagues, you should also guard against the achievements of friends around you. Instead, you are jealous and would rather get this achievement. Have you ever been ashamed of yourself as a stranger?
All kinds of scenes, all kinds of visions and all kinds of sounds sounded in Yuan Ye and others’ minds.
Suddenly, a bald man with a scar face trembled and couldn’t take a step forward. The man clung to his head and seemed to be in pain.
Suddenly the man’s body burst and turned out to be a test failure, which was directly erased by the artifact.
The rest of the people were unaware that the dreamland had reached a very terrible level, and everyone was caught in an illusion. The little jerk looked back at the man’s body and quickly followed Yuan Ye. Yuan Ye’s head was completely refined by his horn, and his helmet was faintly scattered with soft white light. The white light covered Yuan Ye and Yuan Ye was also awake
It’s all an illusion. Most people in this artifact illusion don’t know that they are in an illusion, but this can’t beat me. Yuan Ye keeps waking up in his heart, just like when he first broke into the territory of life artifact. No matter what is in his mind or in front of him, he just rushes forward with nothing.
It’s been too long since one person after another was killed by an artifact.

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