And if time passes, everything is renewed, and my original heart remains unchanged, it is also the first priority of practice.
Practice is to be diligent, have fun and keep it.
Along the way, although there are many merchants who see Lingqing and others with extraordinary temperament, it is not everyone who wants to attract some business opportunities
But since everyone has decided to go to the Crystal Square, let’s follow the set goal first.
Moreover, these stalls can be seen at a glance, and there is nothing that everyone has to do.
So everyone didn’t stop. They just sailed by.
Soon I will see a huge palace group covering nearly a hundred miles not far away.
This is that crystal square, the destination of all.
Crystal Square is the largest in Jiufang Sea City, which belongs to the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea.
At the same time, it is also a rule-maker and currency issuer in the sea city.
Some merchants and sellers who come to Shanghai for the first time first come here to exchange some star-studded coins.
Therefore, there is a ten-foot-high snail-shell pagoda in the square in front of this crystal square, which is dedicated to exchanging star-studded coins.
Although people are surrounded by people coming in and out, there is no crowding, which shows that this spiral shell tower is also a treasure.
Lingqingshen Silver Beads have changed a lot of Star Silver Beads, but Taoist Ling and others have changed them earlier, but they don’t have to change them again.
At this time, the square is crowded with people, not only guests who come in and out of the Crystal Square, but also some individual tourists who set up stalls around the square to sell some exotic sea animals caught in their own sea.
Lingqing and others attracted most people’s attention as soon as they arrived.
Although everyone is dressed in a gray-blue cassock or a comb bun or wearing a Taoist crown, it looks very simple
Even Tian Ying, Sun Yuling and other women are just slightly gorgeous and not too ostentatious.
The most conspicuous thing is that Li Su and Li Jiang are the most gorgeous in clothes.
But despite all this, everyone’s ethereal temperament makes people see extraordinary.
At the same time, the feet are thirty feet long and the stars are shining, and the Star Wars are also not to be underestimated.
This is also what people deliberately do. After all, more is better than less.
It’s not like everyone has to dress up as a pig and eat a tiger to attract others’ contempt and then pretend to hit their faces.
"If you want a spirit beast, a few distinguished guests might as well visit the old man." As soon as everyone had a fight, the boat was the closest to the square booth, and a doddering dragon-fish essence was like the crowd greeting.
Then he picked up a porcelain basin with a diameter of feet, and there were a dozen golden loaches swimming in it. "Their veins are very pure, and there is no hope of turning dragons into dragons in the future."
It is also a scene that you bring back to the pond. If you can really turn dragons into dragons, you can guard the house and increase your face. "
"Being original, look at the loach in this basin. What kind of blood relationship do you have to sell it to others?" Zhu guang looked at the longqiu in the basin and then at the doddering longqiu essence and asked.
The old loach gave Zhu Guang a thumbs up and praised, "This real person has a good eye. These are the best among the old descendants."
Then he said, "Although excellent, I am old enough to cultivate them, so I can hope that someone will pay attention to them."
In this way, achievements in the future must be better than those of the old. "
"Oh, aren’t you afraid of being bought and eaten?" Zhu Guangwen squatted down to tease the loach in the basin and walked over and asked
The old dragon loach heard a meal and looked at Zhu Guang’s body to be really like a glutton, so he hesitated. "If a real person wants to eat, he might as well hope that the real person can raise them and leave them for later generations to eat."
If there is promise, I hope that the real person can give it a chance to live with compassion. "
There are also a lot of sea animals sold in front of this square, but most of them sell their own caught aliens.
And like the old dragon loach, most of them sell their grandchildren for a future.
Heterogeneous practice is hard. The Dragon Palace can’t see the factions, but it’s looking forward to getting into the eyes of others.
Therefore, even if Zhu Guang said that he would buy the old loach, he would just hesitate and answer it.
This is to let Zhu Guang some don’t know what to say. After looking at it, several dragons and loaches sighed and said, "It’s a pity that Master Dao didn’t have time."
Then I got up and walked straight back and said, "Let’s go and have a look."
Everyone nodded, and Lingqing brushed the dust for 30 feet in the cutting. The long Xinghe warship took off and landed by flying, and the palm of his hand was palm-sized, and he turned it away.
Then he went to the Fang door.
"Ah" behind the old dragon loach looked at Zhu Guang’s back and opened his mouth and sighed.
Next to this dragon loach essence, there is a crab essence with a towering carapace and two eyes sticking out of the eye socket. Looking at this template, I can’t help but sarcastically say, "I mean, how come you old loach look like you still feel lost when people don’t eat your grandson?"
"What do you know?" Old dragon loach didn’t good the spirit saw his one eye "this a few real points is the original door master.
I’m just joking. If I can really eat it?
Besides, what if I eat it? But if there is one thing that can enter the eyes of others, it is their nature.
It’s a pity that people can’t see it. "
His mind flashed Lingqing pack up the picture of Xinghe Zhanzhou and sighed again.
You should know that although there are many boats and ships in the East China Sea, most of them are ordinary ships blessed with some spells.
And even if it is refined into an instrument, it is difficult for this genus to fly freely because of its huge size.
It’s rare to see a treasure boat that can be put away freely like this, even in the Dragon Palace.
If these grandchildren can climb, they will surely achieve a lot in the future. It’s a pity …
It is not easy for heterogeneous people to seek Tao!
Chapter four hundred and forty-one Linglong force keep demon soldiers to buy JingXie
As soon as Lingqing and others came to Fangmen, a turtle with a turtle shell and two moustaches led a group of light mussels to meet them.
"Visitors from afar are welcome to visit the Crystal Square, and Xiao Guiya is waiting for you." This turtle named Guiya wears a square towel and a soap robe and gives a salute to everyone.
"I wonder if you are going to see animals or demon soldiers or want to buy some treasures? Can I wait for you? "
Apart from exchanging the Star Pearl coins, the main business of Crystal Workshop is to sell some sea animals, exotic animals and demon soldiers, and also sell some sea treasures such as pearls, agates, corals and precious stones.
The territory of the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea covers hundreds of thousands of miles, and there are countless exotic animals.
And there are countless demon soldiers.
If the guests can afford the price, they don’t mind selling some trained demon soldiers
Most island countries living in the sea will come here to buy some demon soldiers, either to protect their own territory or to conquer other countries
Even some sects are no exception.

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