"ding! 」
The fate point is deducted from the sound ear, and the lake ripples for a moment, and a touch of latosolic red bursts out of the water and crosses the sky.
"Is it really latosolic red?"
"Get the Secret Stone (Gold)"
"Get Skill Training Card (Gold)"
"Get Skill’ Super Self-Healing’ (Blue)"
"Get the gap stone (blue)"
Get the limited box (red)!
"The limited box has special objects with limited energy. Please explore for details."
This introduction is more perfunctory.
However, after the golden level, there are many things, most of which are materials. Even the materials still have extraordinary power.
And this limited box …
Like a Rubik’s cube, objects are suspended with diffuse halo.
You can feel the box vaguely when you touch it, just like a black hole can absorb energy and release unlimited energy.
This is very unscientific.
But it’s mysterious
"What is it?"
"The limited box releases pure energy, which is similar to the crystal energy, which is not connected with the life energy."
His first attempt was to match the limited box with’ angel tears’ and let himself enter the’ limited blue bar’ mode.
It was soon discovered that this idea was unrealistic.
Besides, even if he enters the mode of "blue bar restriction", his combat power will not increase significantly-blue bar restriction is not a restriction on the release of firepower skills, but needs to be eased.
His fighting style is now more inclined to "save → big", and his endurance is not as bad as it used to be.
Three seconds is impossible. Three seconds.
Ten seconds less!
"However, the paradox crystal cannon can be limited to the bombardment of the cannon, and it has to be cooled down. It is easy to cause the whole cannon to break down too often. Simply put, it is not configured."
"Wait so …"
"The limited box is more suitable for the light red weapon of war."
A few days ago, the war with Pale Red consumed 5W, which was too costly. It is time for Pale Red to evolve.
Chapter three hundred and twenty-five Li plan tail
Xin huo mi Jing no.1 training ground
All kinds of training equipment here have been moved to various training areas to form a very wide and white field, which is the place where the god-killing weapon is light red for daily activities.
It can sink a large island with one shot and fly around the blue star in a short time.
Although the level 4 training ground is large, it is still far from being light red for playing, but the daily light red can’t exert much power. Its crystal melting pot is locked and it can rely on the life energy of self-birth to maintain’ extremely low power’ operation.
Very low power level 4 training ground is almost enough for it to toss and turn.
When Fang You came, the light red didn’t disturb it. The squat posture of the tall body remained. You can hold the palm of a car and gently pick up the diffused golden Guanghua crystal.
This is a ray of broken divinity
Contributed by the myth of black wings

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