Her face was full of horror, and suddenly she saw Cui Ling, a heady geek, and suddenly she was so terrible that she couldn’t make a sound.
The strong boy jumped at her plump and naked again, and the village girl cried and forgot the horror and screamed, "What are you doing, calf?"
The teenager was dazed at her words, and then his eyes rolled. It was obvious that his sister had woken him up when she called.
He looked down and saw himself naked and his sister lying naked at the same time. He cried and exclaimed-jumped up like a spring!
Huanyu sneered, "Cui Ling, you failed!"
Cui Ling looked at him viciously and said, "What are you that dare to call my name?"
Huan word but feel his eyes really aggregates have a terrifying magic mind move deliberately pretend to be timid.
The person Cui Ling met in his life was speechless when he saw the magic light in his eyes. Huan Yu’s attitude was just right.
He grunted coldly, "Don’t call me a grandfather, remember?"
Huanyu said, "Remember!"
At this moment, Cui Ling, a fascinating stranger, suddenly went to see the brothers and sisters who saw them hurriedly putting on their clothes, especially the village girl, who was an innocent daughter. She was used to anger, scared and hurried, but she almost tore her clothes before she put on a pair of pants, or was her naked and towering twin peaks still in front of others.
Her brother, Mavericks, quickly went to block her sister and whispered, "That man is probably a devil. Run quickly! I’ll haunt him if I die! "
The village girl finally put on her coat to cover her breasts and suddenly opened her eyes and shouted, "You should hurry back to the village to bring people!"
On the one hand, they are so ashamed and angry that they don’t care about their lives, on the other hand, they hope that the other party will escape and lose their lives.
Gouhun geek Cui Ling gave a strange laugh. "Neither of them is allowed to go …" His eyes shot sen as cold as light.
The brothers and sisters looked at him when they heard the news, and when they touched his eyes, they cried and stood still.
Cui Ling, the heady geek, turned to Huan Yu with a gentle hey. "Now I can control their daily actions, but I’m afraid I can’t order them to take off their clothes!"
Huanyu said, "I know it’s because they are just impressed. They will wake up when they touch them!"
Cui Ling, the heady geek, laughed and said, "I didn’t expect you to be an ordinary person. Great!"
Huanyu calmly said, "There are two questions I want to ask you!"
Cui Ling said, "Tell me!"
"First of all, when you know the brother and sister, they have a strong feeling and try their best to resist the struggle, but you just keep saying?"
"The reason is very simple. You should know that such incest is a heinous crime in their hearts. This concept has been deeply rooted. They are both smart and strong people. If they do this, they will realize that they are doing incest. I just want them to succumb to my order and smash this most deeply rooted concept in their hearts. I deliberately wake them up!"
He paused and then said, "If ordinary men and women can’t take root, even this kind of relatives, if I don’t wake them up, they may burn their hearts and forget each other’s identity, which will be the opposite of my experiment!" Although they can’t try it for the time being, they can still try it again after a while, but this time it’s more difficult and difficult, but it’s no fun if it’s not difficult! "
Huan Yu said, "The more difficult it is, the more difficult it is. I know very well that the higher the artistic career, the more people have to do what is almost impossible!" Gouhun geek Cui Ling nods with satisfaction
"Exactly. What’s the second question?"
Huanyu said, "The second question is, Grandpa, you just praised him as an ordinary person and then said" Great ".Do you dare to ask for benefits?"
Cui Ling, the heady geek, gave a bitter and harsh laugh and then said, "Because you are a common person, it is more interesting when you are the test object!"
Huan Yu calmly said, "Grandpa wants to take me as the test object. I don’t have much resistance, but how can I try it when I am alone?"
"I have my own way," Cui Ling said. "I’ll tell you if you can’t die afterwards!"
He rolled his eyes and said, "I might as well wake you up now, that is, you have another chance to attack me. If you don’t have a chance now!"
Huanyu frowned and said, "Are you going to take my life?"
"If you are most afraid of death, you may take your life. I might as well tell you frankly that this experiment mainly depends on what you are most afraid of!"
Huan Yu replied, "I am most afraid of death. You always order me to die to see if I will wake up."
"By the way, are you most afraid of death?"
He shook his head slightly and said, "I will never tell you …" When secretly dispatching the true qi, he found that the rest was not short, but the brothers and sisters were always on tenterhooks, just waiting for no rest, which was not much better than earlier. At ordinary times, it was about 60%.
Cui Ling, the fascinating stranger, is the person who presided over the destruction of Longhu Villa. His martial arts are not trivial. He just learned that if his strength is not exhausted, Cui Ling, the fascinating stranger, may not be able to win the other side alone. What is my situation?
The number of the enemy and the enemy has been put in front of us, so Huan Yu decided to postpone the three shots for a while. If you can’t get through this, it will cost you your life.
Cui Ling, the heady geek, said coldly, "Although you don’t tell me what I’m most afraid of, I have a way to find out if you have any worries and last words before you show your eyes."
He spoke with a strong voice, which obviously was not an alarmist.
Huan Yu looked intently at a lot of worries, and his heart suddenly filled with gloom. Cui Lingjing, a strange person, smiled, "Do you have such deep worries at a young age?"
Huanyu bit his teeth and said, "I don’t have any worries!"
Gouhun geek Cui Ling said coldly, "I’ve been studying the secrets of human mind and spirit all my life. Can you hide it from my eyes?" That worry must be extremely important before you can control it. Once you think about it, you will show all kinds … "
Huanyu said, "You can’t cheat me out of a word!"
Cui Ling, the heady geek, gave a strange laugh for a long time. Huan Yu shrugged his shoulders and said, "What’s so funny?" Cui Ling is still laughing, and I don’t know if he heard this.

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