Painted pear clothes gave the deep blood heart to Fox, and said with a serious face, "But you are not allowed to choose first."
"Uh-huh, listen to the emperor."
Fox has already realized that he has a hunch that he may follow the European emperor in the abyss and become rich.
"I’ll give you four hundred next time."
Lu Chen looked complacent as if he were lucky.
Fox prides himself on his intelligence, but from Lu Chen’s confident appearance, he can judge whether the other party is a "compatriot" like himself.
Are they both lucky?
Is it normal to produce good things?
"Let’s go and search while we avoid this radar point."
Lu Chen has been interested in looking at the radar in his hand. This is a craftsman’s system to find the source stone instrument, which is a bit like Dragon Ball radar
Because the main staff of the boundary source stone abyss can locate the position of the other side by this.
He is not sure that he can defeat the Abyss Lord and rob the boundary stone. He is going to sweep the Abyss first and try to get something to enhance his strength and meet the Abyss Lord.
Ten hours later, three people sat in a cave and looked at a row of treasure boxes with excitement.
Fox swore that he had never been so worthless since he came in.
I wonder which world he has gone to, and what scenes he has never seen before?
But today this scene … He is really not seen.
Ten hours of abyss scouring, they killed a large number of abyss lords and overlords, and also killed a successful abyss emperor who came to support the abyss, and the abyss Lord fled before he arrived.
There are no scruples outside, and the abyss is full of "big guys". He and Lu Chen cooperated with each other to cripple those abyss lords and overlords, and then let them paint pears to mend their swords.
The results are gratifying. At this time, there are 23 treasure chests, 14 epic treasure chests and a sacred treasure chest in front of several people.
Oh, a large number of purple treasure chests were also revealed when the trial of real painting pear clothes swept through the abyss of ordinary points, but the battlefield was so chaotic that several people killed their eyes (financial fans) that they didn’t even bother to pick up the purple treasure chests.
It turns out that even the luck of painting pear clothes is not that every time you kill a monster, you can drop the treasure chest.
But the explosion rate is really good. For example, Lu Chen killed six abyss overlords outside and lost an epic treasure chest.
The explosion rate of painted pear clothes is over half.
At this time, several people suddenly feel the abyss … It’s really a good place to score points.
Fox, as a referee for many years, realized for the first time what the offenders were feeling. It turned out that this similar feeling was so cool!
And it’s really lucky to bring results, but it’s not illegal, which is … even better!
Lu Chen leaned against the wall and drank a special drink painted with pear clothes.
Fox has changed into a clever sitting posture with a face looking up at the bosses.
I really got on my knees.
Painted pear clothes look indifferent but solid and a little excited. She likes boxes very much, whether in reality or in games.
Let’s start with the box. She heard Gdzilla say it’s called a mat.
[You got 3 original coins]
[You got a small crystal bearing * 1]
[You got * 1 in the bearing crystal]
[You got the abyss stick (say)]
[You have obtained the Abyss Species (bloodline props)]
Fox looked at the beautiful girl without hesitation, and the intermittent flash made his eyes feel sour.
This is a box. This is an adventure. This is a gain!
I’ve killed a whole world before, and I’m not as good as people visiting the abyss.
There is no justice!
But fortunately, he has a share of the benefits of this war.
He’s not so cheeky now. Although the fighting has contributed a little to him, it’s not as big as this European emperor. They don’t have so much benefit at all.
Therefore, he took the initiative to modify the contract with Lu Chen, and he wanted 30% of the proceeds from his treasure chest except the sacred treasure chest.
Liu Chen since but I didn’t expect fox so.
Fox, of course, said that he is a wise man and should know that he should focus on long-term and short-term gains rather than not making friends with the European emperor
He has already thought of more coquettish exercises to tell Lu Chen after the return.
Twenty-three said that the treasure chest was finished, except for a few who gave out a small amount of origin coins. At least he didn’t lose money. One treasure chest also gave out bloodline props, which should be quite valuable.
Then it was the turn of the epic treasure chest to paint pears with a smile and reach out for "thirst"
Liu Chen hurriedly got up and handed the drink he had not finished in his hand to the face of the painted pear.
But the painted pear clothes turned away and their cheeks bulged slightly "Don’t drink this"
This is your own bath water. Who drinks your own bath water?
Liu Chen took out a cup of ordinary watermelon juice from the object and took the initiative to turn over and put the straw into the mouth of the painted pear to feed her.
Painted pear clothes blushed and reached for the cup, while Lu Chen got up and held his shoulder behind painted pear clothes. "Let’s continue?"
"Well …"
Fox gently coughs, which means there are outsiders here. You’ve had enough!
Lu Chen is not ashamed to please his wife. What’s the matter?
After a pause, the pear-painting clothes continued to box.
[You got the contract *]
[You got 12 original coins]
[You got the scroll of the abyss (epic)]
[You got the bloody blade (epic)]
[You have obtained the Bloody Potion (Epic)]

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