Anderson: "Mr. Wanke Prison Guard, I sneaked into China to steal the truth through psychic reading, and they are testing this technology through a game. The whole process is that practitioners connect tight encirclement through psychic reading signals, and then tight encirclement makes special equipment to convert psychic reading signals into signals and then access the game."
"In this way, we can achieve the goal of manipulating the game characters by mind, and I have a bold idea that this technology should be a pre-stage, and they have a deeper purpose."
Fang Ning was horrified. He also thought of a brain hole. If it is the truth, the future vision of the truth is really great.
Anderson added, "I think the real dragon pavilion should have developed this technology long ago, but the real dragon can fight outside the command body. In the AI ? ? chip, there must be a signal transformation of the signal. I guess the truth is to reproduce the real dragon pavilion model."
Fang Ning, I’m sorry. Uncle Tong did it all by himself. I did try to influence him, but that’s not what you said.
Fang Ning: "Well, it should be no problem to see you so honest and give you some gifts. You speak Chinese better than me."
Fang Ning said, throwing all the entities that the former uncle sent him into cell one.
Anderson said with surprise, "Sure enough, an honest man will be rewarded. You see, Elder Feng, this jailer actually sent me spiritual food …"
Fang Ning "Well, if you behave well, there may be more in the future …"
Anderson rushed to lift it and nodded. "Don’t worry, Mr. Warden, I can’t say anything … I don’t work for anyone anyway."
It takes about ten minutes (Anderson’s anger at the host has risen sharply and reached full value, which can absorb the current two anger tanks)
I’m obsessed with this powerful guy. It’s just amazing. After the anger reaches its full value, it’s enough to absorb two anger slots, which is not much worse than the anger of the host himself. You know, it’s just for him. If you write it yourself …
Fang Ning suddenly thought, "After reunification, change the column of those who received the entity name to White Dragon Honorable Person for me."
Unified "host height"
Fang Ning: "No, I’m an idiot. I just realized that there were so many white waves just now."
Unified "I haven’t thought this recruit …"
After Fang Ning ordered, I thought it was only ten minutes ago. So where can Anderson see the essence of green text?
No wonder his hobby in the record is that he is afraid of human entertainment, football games, novels and music, and he can see through things in a few hours.
Only technical research can make him study for a long time, but as he said, it is a job and not a hobby.
Besides, root can’t find one thing that can be regarded as his long-term hobby.
It seems that we have to get him a super-large one!
Go out to unify the Fang Ning White Dragon form, wander around the villa courtyard, and breathe some fresh air by the way. Although I have nothing to do with the spirit body, I feel that the whole dragon is somewhat relaxed and happy
Looking up, the sky is so white and Yun Lan is so white, and there is still a black spot in the cloud.
Fang Ning didn’t see white until he fell to a certain extent.
Holy shit, how did the sword fall from the sky?
Fang Ning hurried to call uncle Tong.
Then a fire dragon suddenly appeared to meet and flew away
The fire dragon grabbed the love sword and Xue Feng put the other side to the ground. At this time, he saw the other side’s head dizzy
Fang Ning looked at it, but he was not hurt. His driver was fine.
"What’s the matter?"
Xue Feng "Nothing. I just flew too fast and hit a few birds’ heads."
Fang Ning said, "Your flying sword protection array seems to have to be upgraded."
Xue Feng took out a thick paper bag from his pocket. "This is the medicine I just exchanged for the Dragon Venerable for healing."
Fang Ning’s heart was touched by the fact that Xue Feng is really kind. It is unambiguous to say that he is holding a brother’s ceremony.
I must have just heard Qiao Jiang talk about the injury of Chivalrous Man A, and then I hurried thousands of miles to deliver medicine.
Fang Ninggang African took the paper bag as soon as he saw it, but it was taken away by Uncle Tong.
Xue Feng: "Well, the two venerable brothers have left."
Say that finish each other and hurried away.
"All those herbs are like this. It seems that this Xue Feng is really good for us. Why hasn’t his map turned green and become a friendly army?"
Fang Ning: "A man in the public office can’t help himself, but that dragon is a temporary worker. There is no rule of loyalty to the truth and death, so he can be judged as a friendly force."
Tong "So that’s it … Yi, he came to Laishi as soon as you arrived in Longfan"

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