Liu Chen applied that they belong to the unified adventure group and summarized the default room for painting pears into themselves, so they lived together perfectly justified.
A lot of things have been done today. After a rest, they are going to the training ground to adapt to the new equipment tomorrow.
Lying in a purple bed, they slept soundly this time.
There is no dark road, looking at the endless day, and Lu Chen entered a special place with great expectation.
In the afternoon, he became familiar with the new equipment with the training ground of painting pears and clothes, and he personally spent a little extravagant money on a middle-level training ground, where world figures were derived from random projection and fought with others.
Death can come back to life in the training ground. He doesn’t know how it works, and violent blood won’t lose his life.
Interestingly, he also saw an opponent, uchiha madara, who felt very strong before watching animation.
The old dance king took a bite and said, "Do you want to dance, too?" Then he killed him.
Playing well is better than the world war for the new physical fitness adaptation exercise.
Only by playing against the strong can you improve your skills and combat experience. Lu Chen didn’t think there was anything wrong with spending money on such a thing.
But it suddenly occurred to him that there was still a place to find someone to learn from, and that was the arena.
So he let the pear painting clothes continue to practice at the initial training ground and went straight to the arena himself
The building is a bit like him. In Odin Avalon, I saw the arena crowded with explorers. They didn’t come to watch the excitement, but to learn some powerful explorers’ fighting methods
Of course, it will also protect the privacy of explorers, and the explorers will be blocked from competing. The face-to-face display in the eyes is the virtual mask preset by the explorers before the battle.
[Pioneer’s current first-order ranking is 12642]
Entering the arena, Lu Chen received a sign of origin.
He wanted to go directly to the third-order arena, but he was told that the arena could play at the current level. He was a pioneer, but he also needed to rank in the top ten in the first-order arena to enter the second-order arena.
Lu Chen is not surprised by the number of first-order explorers. Judging from his experience, the origin should be to select human beings from all over the world and enter every world where they are scattered, so they can’t stir up waves.
At present, the number of first-order explorers is about 120 thousand, and the number of deaths and new additions has been balanced
And he also heard that the death rate in the world of origin is not high, and the number of second-and third-order explorers has exceeded 100 thousand, that is, the number of high-order explorers is unclear.
[Do pioneers match? 】
Lu Chen’s choice is to choose a Gdzilla mask for virtual occlusion in the light curtain.
Ten minutes later …
[The pioneer’s three-game winning streak has risen to 1211]
Lu Chen sat in the preparation room and thought quietly.
The matching mechanism is very fast, and he is randomly generated. He has studied the fancy skills of explorers in the battlefield.
But after three games, he suddenly felt a little rough, and the main first-order explorer was too weak.
So he speeded up the match and sent the other party back to the preparation room without mercy after successfully entering the venue.
After about an hour, when Lu Chen felt a little hungry, he "hacked to death" a knight professional explorer and finally received the wonderful sign.
[Pioneer’s 367-game winning streak ranking has risen by 1]
[Pioneers won the title of Shuang Yi Order]
【 Shuang Yi rank attribute+1 (effective only for attribute 5 points) 】
Lu Chen looked at the first prize, and some words were played for a long time to give the title, and he was still a waste.
But he had expected that after all, it was not normal for him to reward the first-order explorer
Back to his room, he ate a pear-shaped coat and cooked a meal. When he was idle, he continued to play the arena. At this time, the second-order arena had unlocked him.
It’s almost the same as the first-order arena. Just Liu Chen still has the idea to see the ability of the explorers. When he thinks about chatting in the back, he kills all the way.
After greeting pear-painting clothes and getting permission, he stayed up all night in the arena and won the first place again all night.
It is still the same title, but it has become a second-order first-order title and has been recycled.
At this time, the paladin who was defeated by Lu Chen suddenly received the title of showing him and came back. Somehow, he became the first face.
He thought that this was the death of the former perverted guy at the speed of light after he entered the world?
Shouldn’t …

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